I really like the Jax patinas, but Vintaj offers some that are more like paint for metal and I really wanted to try them out. I had engraved a few extra brass business cards with pictures. One had the picture darkened with Jax black patina, and the other one hadn’t been finished at all, which resulted in the etched area naturally taking on a patina over time.
Engraved brass business card with black patina.
Engraved brass business card with natural patina.
I wondered if it’s really just as simple as painting on some patina, letting it dry, and using the Vintaj buffing block to remove the patina from the raised areas. So I threw on a lot of patina:
Engraved brass business card with black patina on engraving painted with a thick coat of Vintaj patina.
Engraved brass business card with a thick coat of Vintaj patina.
After the patina dried, I tried to buff it off with the buffing block. I think I used too thick a coat; I ended up having to use sandpaper to get it off the unengraved parts. I’ll definitely use thinner coats next time.
But the cards still came out pretty well! I polished them and finished with a coat of the glaze.
The finished product! I love how the blue blends in with the previous black patina.
Blue and pink patinas.