Logan absolutely fell in love with Captain America over the summer, so it was the clear choice for his Halloween costume. I was really excited about this costume. From cute toddler costumes to amazing cosplay constructions, there are tons of great ideas and tutorials online.
Doug and I were both really interested in all the stuff we’ve seen online made out of EVA foam coated in PlastiDip. The shield was the obvious place to try it out. We started with a foam floor tile and this tutorial on YouTube. We didn’t have moldable plastic, so we improvised handles with spare foam, and just painted the star on. Logan loves the way it came out!
The finished shield from the YouTube tutorial.
Now that we had some practice with EVA foam, we moved onto a more complex piece: the helmet. I found a helmet template and video tutorial on Etsy. We printed and cut several versions out of paper to find a size that fit Logan. Here’s an example that was a little too big:
Paper Captain America helmet prototype. This one needed to be sized down.
When we got the right size, we cut out template in 5mm EVA foam and Doug superglued it together:
The right size helmet, made of foam, before painting.
Then Doug sprayed a coat of PlastiDip and a coat of Navy. He finished it off with an A and wings cut from white vinyl:
The finished helmet.
There are tons of awesome pictures and videos online of really cool cosplay suits and gauntlets and boots and belts. But Logan is only six, so we decided to keep the body of the costume simpler. I took a lot of inspiration from this toddler tutorial. The navy collared fleece and matching cargo pants came from Sears. I sewed a red-and-white-striped belt from athletic fabric I got at Jo Ann. To finish it off, I made gloves and boots from brown fabric. Doug cut a star from 3mm stick-on white craft foam, and we stuck it on. Here’s some photos of the finished product. Logan loves it!