First Glowforge Project: Harry Potter Bookmarks

I just got a Glowforge and I’m so excited! I haven’t had time to make much yet, but it came with a sample of leather, and I thought it would be fun to do Harry Potter bookmarks. So I found an image of the Marauder’s Map online, and quickly threw together the “I solemnly swear..” quote with footprints in Illustrator. I saved them as .png images and uploaded into the Glowforge app. It automatically set them to engrave. Then I drew outlines of the bookmarks in Illustrator, saved as svg, and uploaded them into the glowforge app. They were automatically set to cut. The Glowforge has a camera, so I put the leather in the bed and could move the bookmark images around until I was happy with the cut location on the leather.

I also used some of the leather to make tassels. Here they are! For a first try, I’m really happy with them. I’ll need to learn more about finishing leather though!

The finished product.